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Hauschka: Tiny Desk Concert


The last time Volker Bertelmann stopped by NPR to perform as Hauschka, back in 2010, he dumped handfuls of Ping-Pong balls and anything else he could think of over the strings of our in-house grand piano, a performance captured in one of NPR's pristine studios (in a building that no longer exists). But for the Tiny Desk, the pianist and composer assumed the challenge of preparing our significantly smaller upright in a much-less-controlled environment.

Meet the artist


Hauschka (1968), real name Volker Bertelmann, is a German pianist and composer known for his pioneering use of the prepared piano. Classically trained, he played in multiple bands and projects before starting to release minimal piano music under the Hauschka alias in 2004. Later he worked with orchestras and musicians such as violinist Hilary Hahn. Starting to score feature films in 2012, he went on to write enormously successful soundtracks, some of them in collaboration with Dustin O’Halloran.

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