
The Poetry of Earth (Geophony)

Max Richter

‘In A Landscape’, marks a significant evolution in Richter’s musical journey, as he delves deeper into the themes of optimism and human emotion accompanied by an innovative exploration of electronic sounds and field recordings. It is a record about reconciling polarities, bringing together the electronic and the acoustic, the human and the natural world, the big questions of life and the quiet pleasures of living - a fleeting self-portrait of a musician in constant motion.

Meet the artist

Max Richter

Max Richter (1966) is a British pianist and composer working for stage, opera, ballet and screen. Classically trained, he studied composition in Edinburgh, London, and with Luciano Berio in Italy. Producing multiple landmark albums and extensively working for film and television since the early 2000s, Richter is one of the most influential figures of contemporary classical music. One of his most ambitious projects, “Sleep” (2015), is an eight-and-a-half-hour body of work based on neuroscience.

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