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Love Song (After JE)

Max Richter

In A Landscape is Richter’s first solo album recorded at Studio Richter Mahr, the minimalist, eco-conscious creative retreat designed and operated by Richter and his wife, visual artist Yulia Mahr. Shifting focus to Richter’s immediate surroundings, In A Landscape marks out a psychic space in which to meditate on the present while recognising a lifetime of artistic influence, from Bach and Purcell to the poetry of Keats, Wordsworth and Anne Carson. Richter also found inspiration in a number of books which he was reading at the time of writing In A Landscape, with many of the track titles on the album named after lines from literature and some of his own treasured paperbacks pictured on the album cover.

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Max Richter - In A Landscape Cover

In A Landscape

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Meet the artist

Max Richter

Max Richter (1966) is a British pianist and composer working for stage, opera, ballet and screen. Classically trained, he studied composition in Edinburgh, London, and with Luciano Berio in Italy. Producing multiple landmark albums and extensively working for film and television since the early 2000s, Richter is one of the most influential figures of contemporary classical music. One of his most ambitious projects, “Sleep” (2015), is an eight-and-a-half-hour body of work based on neuroscience.

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